Friday, November 23, 2018

My Funny Response to "Is Jesus Osiris?"

Technically speaking, Osiris evolves into Horus, or the consequences of messing around with Set. (I can laugh or cry, lol) Lots is missing to the innocence and level of spirituality they had, so there is much misinformation. Any ways, it speaks of evolution, the evolution and perseverance of the Spirit/consciousness and CYCLES of time, eras of time. Ages.The battle of Set Versus Horus rages, and their supposed "gay" relationship, not so "gay" really b/c Horus reincarnates in female bodies, but a battle nonetheless of the ages. Which gets into the lie of Magdalene (male energy/yang) and Jesus (female energy/yin). A whole lot of lies laying around everywhere. lol Is it the same??? OBVIOUSLY!!!!! lol :):):):):) Reloaded religion but with NO RESPECT to the Great Mother!!!!! Something has to change about these lies, starting with Horus(a) Horisa, lol, not messing with Set. How abt' that??? lol Like maybe outsmarting him??? lol 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Red Hair

Favorite Hair Color?

Same movie themes. Same main character, same evil doers with the same wicked leader.

Drum roll please.

Things people take for granted. Makes you wonder why they (Anus) tried to edit out red head genes. But as far as I know, many blondes of today can make red head babies. So, it would be impossible to divide the two. That could mean though, without intervention, BOTH hair types would not be around. Yet, many inbreds and those who Saturn worship stand proud behind their blonde hair lineage, when they tried to get rid of them if they could at one point in time. The CRINGE. The more you know!

That's why its best viewed life as sacred like Native Americans.

Where's my sage? lol :)

**Edit: Many people also don't know there used to be more skin/green/blue eye combos before that time as well. So, tan skin, red hair and greens eyes or blue eyes, etc. Then they came to reduce us even more simply then that, and it didn't happen.

No coding. No energy. No Yin. and No yang.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Yang Style

Kundalini and bodies chakra system. Kundalini = Yin Yang. 

Made in the image of God/Goddess.

I only came here for one thing. Call me Chihiro. lol :) 

When up in the bathhouse, clean yourselves. 

A good bath bomb is expensive, meditation, years of positive thinking and spreading love.

The work is hard, the days long, you might even make friends along the way.

Utilize the bathhouse (as in your time on Earth), or let it wash you out. 




Saturday, August 11, 2018

Tea with Me

Ya know...…..I mean, maybe we should throw all British tea/goods into the harbor. Or wait...….I am thinking of something a lil better then that.


I love people who claim to know more about me then myself, lol. hashtag music. lol umm I shouldn't be dumbing myself down, but I like music. lol Don't let your kids listen to it though. lol :) Funny, they all seem to know so MUCH about the current situation. A little stalking like if you ask me, hazing like. psychopath like. 

Back on topic, don't let others try to mold you into someone you don't want to be. 

Give them the middle finger, and don't just throw all their tea into the harbor, take all that they have and crumble it. AKA All energy currents, everything, runs thru yang. Im talking starvation mode. You cant breath without air, you cannot grow without sun, etc.

Good timing!! B.c I need to go on a diet, while I watch it go down. lol Starvation mode. Well technically, the Alliance says its already over. Its just over. What im trying to say by all of this is don't let them try to rehash ideas about it. 

***already had my life threatened about it many times, and so you will do what??? Send me home to Heaven sooner. If it was that easy to get back to Heaven, id volunteer. lol aka Not much of a threat, more like a million candy bars. lol Never has worked, not that tactic.

These freaks I have to deal with.



Monday, July 30, 2018

Lost & Hidden History

Disclaimer: Story time. If you don't like my stories please don't read. This channel will begin to focus on health and Veganism, but one of my last stories i'd like to share.

So, I haven't said this to most people, but at one point the Anus tried to get rid of all red heads, and then someone was there to say "no". That's all the consciousness that was coming thru, all that could be thought or done was that "no" moment". A very controlled grid.

So, now we have an entire planet of people who have good genetics, maybe not smarter then the ancients that were put in control of the Anus, but they can think for themselves and have freewill. Are in a more evolved state but in a spiritual sense. Just incase you didn't know how bad it was and why they say even God cleansed the land, many times. Those forms/bodies were worse then even what conditioned occult members go thru of todays world, and they were more or less like machines except for the red headed that rebelled. In today's world occult members need constant upkeep for the their mkultra and need to be programmed over and over. Reminds me of the guy in the "Get Out" movie whos human consciousness seeped thru enough to regain power over his body, and he shot himself in the head, as nothing would be worse then going back into that "sunken place". That's what happens when a lot of people wake up from it, but Hollywood drags them back into "rehab".

The history of red heads, on some pacific Islands and from Ireland, is that they were giants that had broke off from the control of the Annunaki.  (after the sinking of Atlantis) The so called primitives that would have built and worked things like Stonehenge. Its a portal and not primitives per se, a joke there. lol

So, I always joke to myself, but at least we have red hair (my favorite hair color). lol Even though I don't have it. Makes you wonder what they feared about that trait? Or about people rebelling in general. Red hair is PROOF, that God loves us, as there would have been none without him. Not to put them on a pedestal, lol, (I have met crazy red heads too)…….but without God that would have not happened.

Consciousness itself seeping thru can now think many independent thoughts, can write essays, can meditate, can do all these good things. That's evolution. Can say no over and over and over. Can heal (reiki)………..prefers Buddhism. lol


All those red head sell outs, ya know. They don't like you, never have. lol FOB, lol. My favorite red headed sell outs. lol jk

Friday, July 27, 2018

Body Pain Remedies

Heaven lets you know too!!!

I have been having a craving for Italian foods. I watch out for intuitive cravings, which is a little different then regular cravings. The sauces, organic pasta preferably, garlic, lemon vest, etc. Its usually involved with a deficiency that I may be lacking or a weight loss tactic I need, lol. Like lemons and limes or even peppers (hot, sweet, and chili flakes) came first on that topic. Then it dawned on me that you don't need special garlic pills that cost extra money either, you break up the garlic clove, cut it into pieces, and you have natural pill forms you can take down with water. Plus, I heard this guy at work (ive been living in the dark) takes garlic like that when he gets sick. For the longest time I have been wondering "how can you eat garlic cloves", and you don't, I literally just realized you take them like pills. All the weight loss benefits too!!! and ive been missing out for years, not spending extra money on garlic pills. lol Plus, I work at a grocery store, and its .99cents for 5 pieces of garlic.

Cayenne is also a natural pain remedy, taken in pill form.

But its the tomatoes that has something in it that can heal this. I have sciatica back pain, so a nerve that is pinched within the spine. It comes and goes, and I can go years without having really hardcore pain. The doctors give me what though when that pain comes about hardcore?? anti inflammatory pills mixed in with advil. lol My inflammation levels are high, so it does something to increase 10 fold any pain.

So, right now, ill put google to use......and lets see if those properties are listed.

Typical foods that I am not allowed b/c they don't make you lose weight, but if you weight it, portion it out, use fresh herbs and tomatoes, its the perfect remedy. One main meal a day focus, with small snacks and portion throughout the day.

The power of tomatoes. 

                                                        Below from this website, not my own.
  1. Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group (that is, they interact to provide health benefits).
  2. In particular, tomatoes contain awesome amounts of lycopene,thought to have the highest antioxidant activity of all the carotenoids.
  3. Tomatoes and broccoli have synergy that may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.One study showed that prostate tumors grew much more slowly in rats that were fed both tomato and broccoli powder than in rats given lycopene as a supplement or fed just the broccoli or tomato powder alone.
  4. A diet rich in tomato-based products may help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study from The University of Montreal. The researchers found that lycopene (provided mainly by tomatoes) was linked to a 31% reduction in pancreatic cancer risk between men with the highest and lowest intakes of this carotenoid.
  5. Tomatoes contain all three high-powered antioxidants:beta-carotene (which has vitamin A activity in the body), vitamin E, and vitamin C. A U.S. Department of Agriculture report, What We Eat in America, noted that a third or us get too little vitamin C and almost half get too little vitamin A.
  6. Tomatoes are rich in potassium, a mineral most of us don't get enough of. A cup of tomato juice contains 534 milligrams of potassium, and 1/2 cup of tomato sauce has 454 milligrams.
  7. When tomatoes are eaten along with healthier fats, like avocado or olive oil, the body's absorption of the carotenoid phytochemicals in tomatoes can increase by two to 15 times, according to a study from Ohio State University.
  8. Tomatoes are a big part of the famously healthy Mediterraneandiet. Many Mediterranean dishes and recipes call for tomatoes or tomato paste or sauce. Some recent studies, including one from The University of Athens Medical School, have found that people who most closely follow the Mediterranean diet have lower death rates from heart disease and cancer. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, who followed more than 39,000 women for seven years, found that consumption of oil- and tomato-based products -- particularly tomato and pizza sauce -- was associated with cardiovascular benefits.
  9. When breastfeeding moms eat tomato products, it increases the concentration of lycopenein their breast milk. In this case, cooked is best. The researchers also found that eating tomato products like tomato sauce increased concentrations of lycopene in breast milk more than eating fresh tomatoes did.
  10. Tomato peels contribute a high concentration of the carotenoids found in tomatoes. The amount of carotenoids absorbed by human intestinal cells was much greater with tomato paste enriched with tomato peels compared to tomato paste without peels, according to a study from Marseille, France. The tomato skin also holds most of the flavonols (another family of phytochemicals that includes quercetin and kaempferol) as well. So to maximize the health propertiesof tomatoes, don't peel them if you can help it!

also not my own work below.

"The health benefits of tomatoes include eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief from diabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation. Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are also a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases."

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Logic of #NotmyPresident

Creative writing here to bring things into perspective lol......what if the savior returned and he was like # not my people. Like these people can't deal with president Trump. Imagine that, how childish that would be, not even considering non meeks or those NOT part of the selfless 20% of the population. Most people fail. Most religions are more harmful then good. Most religions anger God and are wildly primitive. Not that the ingrained corruption, dogma, and misleading/altered print has anything to do with God, it doesn't. But what if the savior was like #not my people. lol

Not here? # not my people

Not here? #not my people

Not here? #Not my people

Not meek? #Not my people!!

Let me just say as nicely as I can, some people are lucky especially coming from the hypocritical dogmatic religions, that the savior doesn't refer to the non meek as unworthy of being saved. #not my people. lol 

The audacity.

Just, trying to bring things into perspective from a creative standpoint.