Friday, November 23, 2018

My Funny Response to "Is Jesus Osiris?"

Technically speaking, Osiris evolves into Horus, or the consequences of messing around with Set. (I can laugh or cry, lol) Lots is missing to the innocence and level of spirituality they had, so there is much misinformation. Any ways, it speaks of evolution, the evolution and perseverance of the Spirit/consciousness and CYCLES of time, eras of time. Ages.The battle of Set Versus Horus rages, and their supposed "gay" relationship, not so "gay" really b/c Horus reincarnates in female bodies, but a battle nonetheless of the ages. Which gets into the lie of Magdalene (male energy/yang) and Jesus (female energy/yin). A whole lot of lies laying around everywhere. lol Is it the same??? OBVIOUSLY!!!!! lol :):):):):) Reloaded religion but with NO RESPECT to the Great Mother!!!!! Something has to change about these lies, starting with Horus(a) Horisa, lol, not messing with Set. How abt' that??? lol Like maybe outsmarting him??? lol 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Red Hair

Favorite Hair Color?

Same movie themes. Same main character, same evil doers with the same wicked leader.

Drum roll please.

Things people take for granted. Makes you wonder why they (Anus) tried to edit out red head genes. But as far as I know, many blondes of today can make red head babies. So, it would be impossible to divide the two. That could mean though, without intervention, BOTH hair types would not be around. Yet, many inbreds and those who Saturn worship stand proud behind their blonde hair lineage, when they tried to get rid of them if they could at one point in time. The CRINGE. The more you know!

That's why its best viewed life as sacred like Native Americans.

Where's my sage? lol :)

**Edit: Many people also don't know there used to be more skin/green/blue eye combos before that time as well. So, tan skin, red hair and greens eyes or blue eyes, etc. Then they came to reduce us even more simply then that, and it didn't happen.

No coding. No energy. No Yin. and No yang.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Yang Style

Kundalini and bodies chakra system. Kundalini = Yin Yang. 

Made in the image of God/Goddess.

I only came here for one thing. Call me Chihiro. lol :) 

When up in the bathhouse, clean yourselves. 

A good bath bomb is expensive, meditation, years of positive thinking and spreading love.

The work is hard, the days long, you might even make friends along the way.

Utilize the bathhouse (as in your time on Earth), or let it wash you out. 




Saturday, August 11, 2018

Tea with Me

Ya know...…..I mean, maybe we should throw all British tea/goods into the harbor. Or wait...….I am thinking of something a lil better then that.


I love people who claim to know more about me then myself, lol. hashtag music. lol umm I shouldn't be dumbing myself down, but I like music. lol Don't let your kids listen to it though. lol :) Funny, they all seem to know so MUCH about the current situation. A little stalking like if you ask me, hazing like. psychopath like. 

Back on topic, don't let others try to mold you into someone you don't want to be. 

Give them the middle finger, and don't just throw all their tea into the harbor, take all that they have and crumble it. AKA All energy currents, everything, runs thru yang. Im talking starvation mode. You cant breath without air, you cannot grow without sun, etc.

Good timing!! B.c I need to go on a diet, while I watch it go down. lol Starvation mode. Well technically, the Alliance says its already over. Its just over. What im trying to say by all of this is don't let them try to rehash ideas about it. 

***already had my life threatened about it many times, and so you will do what??? Send me home to Heaven sooner. If it was that easy to get back to Heaven, id volunteer. lol aka Not much of a threat, more like a million candy bars. lol Never has worked, not that tactic.

These freaks I have to deal with.



Monday, July 30, 2018

Lost & Hidden History

Disclaimer: Story time. If you don't like my stories please don't read. This channel will begin to focus on health and Veganism, but one of my last stories i'd like to share.

So, I haven't said this to most people, but at one point the Anus tried to get rid of all red heads, and then someone was there to say "no". That's all the consciousness that was coming thru, all that could be thought or done was that "no" moment". A very controlled grid.

So, now we have an entire planet of people who have good genetics, maybe not smarter then the ancients that were put in control of the Anus, but they can think for themselves and have freewill. Are in a more evolved state but in a spiritual sense. Just incase you didn't know how bad it was and why they say even God cleansed the land, many times. Those forms/bodies were worse then even what conditioned occult members go thru of todays world, and they were more or less like machines except for the red headed that rebelled. In today's world occult members need constant upkeep for the their mkultra and need to be programmed over and over. Reminds me of the guy in the "Get Out" movie whos human consciousness seeped thru enough to regain power over his body, and he shot himself in the head, as nothing would be worse then going back into that "sunken place". That's what happens when a lot of people wake up from it, but Hollywood drags them back into "rehab".

The history of red heads, on some pacific Islands and from Ireland, is that they were giants that had broke off from the control of the Annunaki.  (after the sinking of Atlantis) The so called primitives that would have built and worked things like Stonehenge. Its a portal and not primitives per se, a joke there. lol

So, I always joke to myself, but at least we have red hair (my favorite hair color). lol Even though I don't have it. Makes you wonder what they feared about that trait? Or about people rebelling in general. Red hair is PROOF, that God loves us, as there would have been none without him. Not to put them on a pedestal, lol, (I have met crazy red heads too)…….but without God that would have not happened.

Consciousness itself seeping thru can now think many independent thoughts, can write essays, can meditate, can do all these good things. That's evolution. Can say no over and over and over. Can heal (reiki)………..prefers Buddhism. lol


All those red head sell outs, ya know. They don't like you, never have. lol FOB, lol. My favorite red headed sell outs. lol jk

Friday, July 27, 2018

Body Pain Remedies

Heaven lets you know too!!!

I have been having a craving for Italian foods. I watch out for intuitive cravings, which is a little different then regular cravings. The sauces, organic pasta preferably, garlic, lemon vest, etc. Its usually involved with a deficiency that I may be lacking or a weight loss tactic I need, lol. Like lemons and limes or even peppers (hot, sweet, and chili flakes) came first on that topic. Then it dawned on me that you don't need special garlic pills that cost extra money either, you break up the garlic clove, cut it into pieces, and you have natural pill forms you can take down with water. Plus, I heard this guy at work (ive been living in the dark) takes garlic like that when he gets sick. For the longest time I have been wondering "how can you eat garlic cloves", and you don't, I literally just realized you take them like pills. All the weight loss benefits too!!! and ive been missing out for years, not spending extra money on garlic pills. lol Plus, I work at a grocery store, and its .99cents for 5 pieces of garlic.

Cayenne is also a natural pain remedy, taken in pill form.

But its the tomatoes that has something in it that can heal this. I have sciatica back pain, so a nerve that is pinched within the spine. It comes and goes, and I can go years without having really hardcore pain. The doctors give me what though when that pain comes about hardcore?? anti inflammatory pills mixed in with advil. lol My inflammation levels are high, so it does something to increase 10 fold any pain.

So, right now, ill put google to use......and lets see if those properties are listed.

Typical foods that I am not allowed b/c they don't make you lose weight, but if you weight it, portion it out, use fresh herbs and tomatoes, its the perfect remedy. One main meal a day focus, with small snacks and portion throughout the day.

The power of tomatoes. 

                                                        Below from this website, not my own.
  1. Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group (that is, they interact to provide health benefits).
  2. In particular, tomatoes contain awesome amounts of lycopene,thought to have the highest antioxidant activity of all the carotenoids.
  3. Tomatoes and broccoli have synergy that may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.One study showed that prostate tumors grew much more slowly in rats that were fed both tomato and broccoli powder than in rats given lycopene as a supplement or fed just the broccoli or tomato powder alone.
  4. A diet rich in tomato-based products may help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study from The University of Montreal. The researchers found that lycopene (provided mainly by tomatoes) was linked to a 31% reduction in pancreatic cancer risk between men with the highest and lowest intakes of this carotenoid.
  5. Tomatoes contain all three high-powered antioxidants:beta-carotene (which has vitamin A activity in the body), vitamin E, and vitamin C. A U.S. Department of Agriculture report, What We Eat in America, noted that a third or us get too little vitamin C and almost half get too little vitamin A.
  6. Tomatoes are rich in potassium, a mineral most of us don't get enough of. A cup of tomato juice contains 534 milligrams of potassium, and 1/2 cup of tomato sauce has 454 milligrams.
  7. When tomatoes are eaten along with healthier fats, like avocado or olive oil, the body's absorption of the carotenoid phytochemicals in tomatoes can increase by two to 15 times, according to a study from Ohio State University.
  8. Tomatoes are a big part of the famously healthy Mediterraneandiet. Many Mediterranean dishes and recipes call for tomatoes or tomato paste or sauce. Some recent studies, including one from The University of Athens Medical School, have found that people who most closely follow the Mediterranean diet have lower death rates from heart disease and cancer. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, who followed more than 39,000 women for seven years, found that consumption of oil- and tomato-based products -- particularly tomato and pizza sauce -- was associated with cardiovascular benefits.
  9. When breastfeeding moms eat tomato products, it increases the concentration of lycopenein their breast milk. In this case, cooked is best. The researchers also found that eating tomato products like tomato sauce increased concentrations of lycopene in breast milk more than eating fresh tomatoes did.
  10. Tomato peels contribute a high concentration of the carotenoids found in tomatoes. The amount of carotenoids absorbed by human intestinal cells was much greater with tomato paste enriched with tomato peels compared to tomato paste without peels, according to a study from Marseille, France. The tomato skin also holds most of the flavonols (another family of phytochemicals that includes quercetin and kaempferol) as well. So to maximize the health propertiesof tomatoes, don't peel them if you can help it!

also not my own work below.

"The health benefits of tomatoes include eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief from diabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation. Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are also a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases."

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Logic of #NotmyPresident

Creative writing here to bring things into perspective lol......what if the savior returned and he was like # not my people. Like these people can't deal with president Trump. Imagine that, how childish that would be, not even considering non meeks or those NOT part of the selfless 20% of the population. Most people fail. Most religions are more harmful then good. Most religions anger God and are wildly primitive. Not that the ingrained corruption, dogma, and misleading/altered print has anything to do with God, it doesn't. But what if the savior was like #not my people. lol

Not here? # not my people

Not here? #not my people

Not here? #Not my people

Not meek? #Not my people!!

Let me just say as nicely as I can, some people are lucky especially coming from the hypocritical dogmatic religions, that the savior doesn't refer to the non meek as unworthy of being saved. #not my people. lol 

The audacity.

Just, trying to bring things into perspective from a creative standpoint. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What really makes Saturn Tick

Doesn't want to eat Alice/Lucy, wants Alice so he can eat all the people. A Harvest, like I mentioned in my other post, can happen in hours. That's hypothetically thinking (as in it wont happen), what Saturn wants, is a harvest.

Any Spirit Cookers, any Masons up in the room?

In fact, the first thing that occultist learn is who Alice is. Will hear her mentioned in so many songs. "When the last heart is broken". Well, so they want. *rolls eyes*

And they aren't nice people, let me tell you that. Gangs of them follow her everyday. The most expensive thing on the planet, and isn't protected by guards or glass. Just exposed and abused by spirit cookers everyday.

Masons, most people with money, don't even deserve to breath air. They are lucky the population is dumber then cave men. Some being dumber (less spiritual awareness) then some primates. They are so lucky!!!!

Saturn thinks everyone can be controlled with the right money figures. No, we are in the middle of a rebellion in the USA, and there is more Swing Voters and Conservatives then dumby-crats. (Libtards) lol Pretty sure they are aware somewhat, of the Hollywood culture.

And quite frankly, some are waiting for those primates to evolve and get their pitch forks and torches.

And you have to feel bad for Alice/Lucy, babysitting all these beautifully intellectual primates. lol :)

and other animals.

that's what its about.

Favorite Kind of TREE LOVING, monkies. lol :)

What a Harvest Like?

Grass wouldn't even grow.

No energy or couciousness to propagate bodies, meaning extinction of humanity unlike the other harvest this planet has had.

and the parasites want to move on to other planets.

So, please tell me...….why people thought it was a good idea to support this? Any spirit cookers looking at this??? Any masons. Speaking of masons, people want compassion for what they were trying to do, get billions killed in hours. They are lucky people, that the population is wickedly stupid. Lucky people!!!

It dosent take years, it takes hours to complete. HOURS


God you people are so STUPID!!!!

No yang, no yin, NO BODY. No life. You sloppy peaces of crap idiots. Just the dumbest pieces of filth in the USA. Its despicable. 

Friday, July 6, 2018

JFK: The Monolitic Conspiracy

“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings...Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” - JFK

He was warning us here, THEY LIVE!!!

Why did they get rid of him??

At that point in time the greys were advancing, and it is rumored he declined many of the their advances once he found out that other positive alien species (many of them part of God's/Universal Police) came to tell him that the negative aliens had planned to take over the world and as a result humans would go extinct. 

You change when you find out they are eating children by the 10s of thousands every year, so did he. 

Their plans failed!!!!
However, we still have hybrids and spirit cookers running around, without their leaders of course who are all gone for good.

Yes, the gold/silver standard, but there is MORE to that story.

They Live




…….or since they aren't a problem any more "They, don't Live". LOL LOL :)

Reptiles/They Live

So, this one black level reptoid draco, was actually never interested in my mother, they just put people like that around people's lives to be spys. Its happened to so many of my friends, cousins, and such. Sadly, everything has backfired in their plans as a result of telling this reptoid to come into my life. We love backfired plans, don't we??? You know, the 10 year hare and tortoise race??? lol :)

My observation about black reptilians (yes they come in all classes/races, so they could control all aspects of humanity) is that they DO SMELL like HUMAN FLESH.

The most putrid smell you will EVER smell. Not like skunk and not quite dead animal smell.

They eat us, they are not like us, and you should rebel everything they do, including Lucifer/Saturn worship.

In fact, smelling the smell of rotting flesh right now, b/c this man, is an inbred draco. They mind manipulate your loved ones, its not pretty.

But the smell is absolutely like no other creature on this planet, and for the longest time I didn't know what it was, until I started to wake up about things.

Can you see???

This movie that told the TRUTH, They Live.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Breaking Down Cultural Appropriation In a Minute

The only time where cultural appropriation ever means something is usually with the rich. Like apple or the clothing industry. Most of it is made in Asia, but they treat human beings like caged animals. Now, follow me, if the top executives and money makers in those companies, just happen to use anything from the culture they treat like caged animals, then that is TRUE cultural appropriation. It applies really to big things like genocide and cage like environments, not the LITTLE things the zombie Anifas tell you, who at the same time DO the same thing as those executives. Ran by rich kids who have no idea what not being rich is like, who herd unsuspecting or undereducated individuals, then its those types that cannot technically according to PC culture, cannot adopt from the cultures they are abusing. 

Usually the claims are over exaggerated and have no basis. The Fashion industry being the BIGGEST offenders of PC culture, in fact, forget about "brands" ever being a thing under their own rules. lol 

Not everyone cares about your feelings getting hurt, but there is a fine line like stated above in those rarer cases.

Simply Said.

Her first solo album below and how dark she was.

Using a Native American headdress almost always is actually cultural appropriation b/c its the same thing as putting a police officer uniform or pretending to be a service member. You earn your headdress. But, it IS a FUNNY meme. I have a sense of humor, okay?? lol Native Americans are the worst treated in America (they live in remote places, so we don't see the abuse), and until their conditions improve, I take this pretty seriously b/c so much all ready has been taken from them. However, non Americans and non Canadians that aren't educated, we can give a pass to. People from Canada and America should be respecting their Natives. Enough said!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Antifa/Spirit Cookers

One of the biggest threats to our democracy and way of life.

They are a national security risk. They pass photos and help marginalize people such as swing voters, conservative groups, Christians, Veterans, and moderates. They pass photos around of the people they want to target.

Do you really think they are not passing photos around to organized crime groups??? Think again!!!!

Holistic doctors that get taken out by the biggest money makers, whistle blowers of all kinds, good politicians that try to make it, etc that end up casualties. It all starts with that photo sharing, all the while they/TPTB tape human torture for enjoyment. Change is needed.

They help traffic children, but claim they are all about womens rights. They are the ones sent to countries to destabilize and politically charge the climate, then the revolution, then the CHILDREN, yes the real pedos here, get SOLD off in MASS. Cheap, used then killed, some tortured in rituals then eaten. Like Hillary did to Hati, not her first country.

Look at what they just did to Latin America, they sent in the Hispanic "cultural warriors"...….those revolutionist to spread ideals and words about violent uprising…….all the while they were thinking of the Satanic BODY COUNTs and how MUCH money they could make off drugs and human trafficking from causing political turmoil in these countries. Now we have a immigration crisis with children, many of which that are already have been dead and abused, and Latin America is holding on by threads. They even make pacts with local gangs to help abuse the people, they spread the word of money if they obey for TPTB.

We need to stand up, speak up, and talk seriously about Spirit Cooking/Antifa members that are a literal terrorist organization.

Expose Antifa and those with Spirit Cooking/Antifa rhetoric.

The Most Satanic Corporations to Work for

I am a 10+ year truther, I have been gangstalked for 10 years +.

This is my story about being harrssed, watched nonstop like im stealing, written up for things that no one else does, threatened, schedule given to abusers, accused of things I don't do. My life harassed and threatened. My job opportunities to MOVE UP, taken away. On the average day at one point, I could get a dozen people or groups of people (or more) that say "that's her" out loud. People I have never SEEN BEFORE. Coworkers gossip and treat you like crap b/c they have been told by Spirit Cookers bad things. When its in fact, the other way around.

Spirit Cooking Antifa feminist groups that DONT like that we DONT Like them, and they KNOW they have lost. They pass photos around of the people they want to target, and are a national security risk to the stability to this country. AKA a domestic terrorist GROUP!!!!! My most recent employer I don't know if they are involved, but the supervisor system is full of Spirit Cookers. (For those that don't know, im like Raven from "That so Raven", LOOK UP a quick description to what that shows is about, people are given gifts and its apart of evolution of humanity as well). The spirit cookers and sell outs at my most recent employer, want to bear FALSE witness AGAINST ME. Price Rite. I don't use the ladies room, can you imagine that??? I cant bring simple healthy lunches from home or leave my water in the back …… I HAVE BEEN DEPRIVED of that kind of opportunity. They would poison it or put drugs and prob call the police to get me in trouble. So I get to work at Price Rite today, and guess what...…..the single customer ladies room (one room toilet) is "out of order". Why? The false witness they want to get in order. You thought you knew what "gangstalking was like"? Think again about their tactics.

Stay street smart too kind folks that read this!!! Stay up to date with their tactics of slow poisoning of conservative and moderates at the work place...….and if they can someone get into apartments. Sealed things ONLY my friends!!! Plus, don't eat out.

I don't know if Price Rite is involved, but many of the workers are linked to spirit cookers and or given sums of money if they accomplish a certain goal. Something MUST happen if most of America's employers are infiltrated by Spirit Cookers and can't be trusted. A movement must be made against the monetization of abuse b/c we ultimately have to shop at these places and work for these places that in turn poison and abuse us.

Other places I have been emotionally drained and tortured  at are Walmart our local one BUT I also worked at one in Sioux Falls, SD. Target, Sioux Falls, SD. Our local Washington ST McDonalds. and Most importantly The Home involved there and the company.

I moved a thousand miles just to get away from the harassment, and it started happening again. CT is by far the worse and I should have not ever moved back home, I knew this.

Shop Menards my friends, you know better. lol


I stay strong. I stay truth. I stay Love, and Obey My Heavenly Father. :)

Monday, June 18, 2018


Who had the ability to be here to help???

But would that had happened, if the British did to France what they did to India??? 

Ahhhhh! You see?

Their true intentions were to turn the French into a slave working class, "sub humans" they could abuse. They would of then pushed to other places as well. Times were tough back then for everyone don't get me wrong, but it would of been a h3ll of a lot worse. Those that know what Indians or Egyptians have gone through know. A lot worse.

How God Moves over Hundreds of Years Time. 

I even have more patience now, b/c karma and goodness comes around.
We have lessons we have to learn, and we move on, and eventually every good thing comes back to you.

Love and Peace!! :)

Them Red Coats

Always coming back.

To snap a red coat in two.

No need for an early EU/Illuminati mess, God was like "push em back".


They don't teach you that history in school!! lol More intel, they would of done to France, what they did to India and other places.


The Future

Saturday, June 16, 2018

A Good Man

A lot of people in the conservative and moderate community knock Abraham Lincoln for taking away the south's American rights. First of all, God put it in his heart that slavery was wrong. That's just what God-loving people do, its wrong, period. He took his power and authority and used it to finally end a chapter in American history.

Lincoln shaming shouldn't be a thing, as its going against God, and these outrageous claims come from supposed "good" church members. hmmmmmmm

For those in the South that want to Abraham shame, I would like to point out that the worst people in Gods eyes are the ones who committed genocide against Native Americans. How big are the Native American reservations down south?? B.c with the "Trail of Tears" they kicked most of them out.

Talk about double sinning. First shaming Lincoln b/c God inspired him to do good, then also encouraging the abuse of the REAL chosen.

I tend to get along better with swing voters and conservatives myself, but there are bad people in that community no one should be listening to. If they are Abraham shaming, they could be Spirit Cookers, as they are the ones spreading misinformation in parties.

Read the next comment. McCain who helped kill millions of innocents, is doing BOOK signings. A Spirit Cooker, but a republican one. They need to be EXPOSED!!!!

10,000 BC

In the movie 10,000 BC, the two men describing their captors, who captured them and turned them into slaves.

Baku: How could men do such a thing.
A: They are not men like us Baku. 
Baku: Then what are they?
A: Some say they came from the stars. Others believe they flew across the great ocean when their land sank into the sea. 

And then they sacrificed one of the guys b/c the "reptile from the stars" was not pleased. 

They aint men like us, the beast. They aren't ever going to be like us.

The more you know, b/c then you know what the "beast" actually is. Talking about infvisable demons, which is a small part of the story, rather then speaking up about the thousands of thousands of children in every city that are abused and killed by these so called "Spirit Cookers" and their followers.

Pick a side.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Toxins in, Toxins Out

Balance is needed.

More Respect for the Earth is needed.

I saw the map, and every country was normal but America. It was sick. Thick clouds. There was too many toxins. They were all staying in this one area of the USA. So, I don't know what is about to happen. However, some of the most popular psychics I like have said that America will not be a place that's nice to live in the near future (if we don't change our ways), it will be 3rd world countries where they are not poisoning people in the food/water/air and where they still have organic crops and animals. Those people now poor and starving and neglected, are not going to show much sympathy to our future neediness. It seems, it may be the start of this this prophesy.

We GOT TO CHANGE HOW WE TREAT THE LAND!!!! Or as Tupac said "...change how we eat, how we live, and how we treat each other".

It seems these changes will be selective to mainly the American continent, as God will take care of problem people. I hate to say it that way, but its true. The leaders, monarchy he made, were all Native American for the most part. Almost every face. So, lets think for a moment what he really thinks. Obviously, spelling it out --- he isn't happy what people have done to the place. Don't be a sore thumb if your in America, be a green thumb. Okay, the more people who change, the less the changes will be.

Stay away from meat.

Toxins, too many of them, could be genocide attempts thru the food system by our government/TPTB too, b/c they can't control us. You can barely trust doctors. Drought. Vaccines. Bayer and Monsanto just joined forces, my nickname for them is "Umbrella" even before they joined forces. lol :) It can be a warning to not be too naïve about the government/tptb. It really is the rich and satanic against the good/poor.

At some point we have to change our government from Representative to Direct. That's going to take a lot of "sickness" and drought to WAKE people UP!!! Obviously if your a SJW, your part of the problem, lol. Giving these rich cocksukrs the benefit of the doubt, aint going to make any change. Changes will be complete, if we go easy, or if we go hard.