Monday, June 4, 2018

Exposing "Chosen People"

Let me clue you in from a "higher understanding". Let me start off with saying everyone's loved and children of God, however. With that said, I am here right now out of my slumber, b/c this MYTH was in my mind, it aggravates me the average joe does not even understand this PART of our history. When God first came here he was in a Native American form, the mound builders so to speak. He was not Jew or any other race. What I mean by that is that NO ONE can claim any "specialties" BUT Natives. That's it!!!

These claims are false.

The Jews in particular were a breeding program with the (Reptilian) Annunaki. Hence all the child bombings they do daily in Israel, the same "Pharisee" BS that was going on 2,000 years ago, was also going on 4,000 years ago, and today. Not all of them, but Jews have the strongest hold of the dark side over them in percentage compared to other groups of people.

Native Americans are treated the poorest in this country. Look at how poor their communities are, like New Orleans Katrina style. Then, with the recent pipeline protest, what ends up happening?? Rule in Annunaki- ANTI GOD favor. Then what ends up happening?? The pipe burst and spilled 1000s of gallons of oil mess ALL over.

Y'all got the story mixed up folks.

Chosen people my arse. If your not part of an Ingenious group including Aborigines, (keep your mouth fkn shut). Excuse a me French a. LOL

***What also might not know, if we don't start changing how we treat the environment, in the near future, its not going to be a nice place to live. Russia, Africa, South America, etc........are not going to sympathetic to any of our future "bread lines" b/c we couldn't live with ORIGINAL love of the Earth.

Yeah, that's original, and there was only ONE form.

All the chicken head fanatics God/Got no clue. lol

Step down, move over, and stop lying about it!!!! LOL

Not that outer forms really matter b/c he lives everywhere, however, its is INDEED a MYTH. There was ONE FORM. That's it. A Native American FORM, in the original format of Atlantis. (mound builders) Having Indigenous genes, means you carry an extremely ANCIENT form of human DNA that is LESS imbed with reptilian/Annunaki genes that's what they are mistreated and hated by TPTB and big business who have inbred ANTI-God genetics. So much so, a Canadian foreign oil company that supports Canada, could build pipelines in their backyards. No questions asked. There are also tribes in Africa and ALL over, who have untainted DNA as well. Ever wonder why tainted genetic guy Obama was ignoring "Christian" parts of Africa, so they can starve??? One of the biggest things he is called out for. Former tribes related to the originals, and not tainted ANTI-God genetics.

In fact, Annunaki controlled, part Jew Hitler, praised the use of American concentration camps for Native Americans. He got his IDEAS from Americans. Of course, he went on to target nonSaturn Jews. NOT however, Saturn Jews. The more you know. 

This is a spiritual war, BUT its also genetic.

ANTI-God genetics, and original God genetics. If you were ever wondering why inbreds have the most money in this world. lol Don't hate, I'm just dispelling the MYTH and EXPOSING the concept of "chosen people".

They say "conquerors write history". Well, those days are over. lol

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