Thursday, May 31, 2018

When you have Spirit Cookers in your family!

I have one SJW female in my family who volunteers, she give back to the community, all the while b/c I perceive from a higher perspective, she has been going to these "Eyes Wide Shut" type meetings, and indulging in flesh eating with her even higher in the occult husband. Well, I've known for many years now, she just figured out I knew recently. Even when she would single me out and down me, I wouldn't show any indication of knowing the truth. Like I don't know she talks a tremendous amount of crap behind my back, or exaggerates things. Like I don't know. I don't want anything to do with that. Its hard when you have known this person since childhood, but you got to distant yourself. One of my favorite spiritual teachers mentioned that "once you go off the deep end, you don't come back". Well now I understand that means certain higher levels of the occult.

Don't throw stones in glass houses, especially when people are looking for people like her to talk to about her occult practices. For those that don't know, I have been singled out by the Spirit Cookers for the last 10 years. So, I know some stuff about them. The harassment, the violent comments, the picture taking, the following around. You name it!!! In fact, its the SAME exact practices Antifa uses on others mainly conservatives and swing voters. I know of a journalist who almost got killed b/c Antifa said this truther did something he didn't. They pass around pictures. Its horrible. I even attempted to move 1000 miles away, which didn't work. Trying to outrun an elaborate network of Saturn worship. That like I mentioned in another post, if you live in a small city of 300,000, you have THOUDSNDS of members. Just in a small city. I accepted my circumstance (what about the millions that don't even get a chance to live?? So I'm thankful for everyday) and don't care about the harassment any more -- its like flies in the summer heat lol, but then God really did push these people back against the wall. Now about half of America knows something is up, and there is a strong group against Spirit Cooking. I have to say that it was hard dealing with dozens and dozens of bullies everyday I had to work, mainly Spirit Cookers, but I am pleased that God has DONE what he promised. Pushing these cry baby, thug, terrible people BACK to those mountain CAVES!! lol It only gets worse for those that refuse to repent and change their ways. 

Apart from that, you have the type of people that would sacrifice their children (or a child in their family) to enter the club. I've picked up on something that's all I can say. They dangle money over your head, but children?? Even other people's children would be terrible. Also remember, that grass ain't greener on the other side. DK who termed that phrase, but its probably an ancient concept. lol

When you think you know your family, but you really don't. 

I'm posting this to enlighten those, this is what they are 100% having good American do. They dangle that money, sex, drugs, etc over your head. Its not worth it folks!! What is hidden is going to come to light, and more people then they think will know.

This needs to end for good!!!!

Its not "cool" any more. 

Everyone knows!!!

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