Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I'm "blacker" then Obama. Rossane Response. Non SJW. lol

I still don't like the guy. lol

Even though I'm "lighter" in skin tone, I'm blacker then Obama b/c I was raised by my father along with my mother. lol Mr Obama has done NOTHING but treat his black poor family "well" by ignoring them completely. Not even sending over rice and beans, while they don't all have running water. All the while he has that vacation home in Dubai. Plus the homes in Hawaii, plus the home in DC, and maybe he still has that home in Indonesia where he was born. LOL :) :)

I stopped liking him in 2009/10, after he began his droning program that eventually killed thousands of CHILDREN!!!!! (Yes, I sadly did vote for him the first time, but I cant see the droning of children so I quickly realized the mistake) Let alone the number of adults. Noble Peace Prize my behind!

So, Rosanne Barr's recent comment she called out a person that worked in the Obama administration that SHOULD be held accountable for the deaths of those thousands of children (and innocent adults as well). That figure does not include the amount of innocent adults. In the 10,000+ range.  Just b/c Obama killed less innocents then Bush and Clinton doesn't make him a better person, it still makes him a serial killing psychopath.

Everyone in his administrations needs to be investigated with a fine comb, the administration made these decisions with Obama, its not a sole effort.

The quote exactly that she said was about Valarie Jarret (from the Obama administration) “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

So, she calls out someone who has a bad reputation, possibly aiding Obama in his blood thirst.

I don't care how she does it.

Clearly making a joke about the person who was a senior advisor to Obama when he was doing this!!! Maybe not the best joke in the best way, I do admit.

So, she makes (what I find to be a very funny joke, I DO have a sense of humor/knowing comedians make jokes about ALL types of people) about A BAD person. If a normal person made this comment, a non comedian, then its racist. This is a comedian.

They were just looking for a reason to cancel her show, and they found it.

Of course, who gets "left behind" really here? The thousands of children Obama killed. The 100s of THOUSANDS Clinton Killed, and the Millions Bush did.

No child left behind my arse!!!! Then they want to put more gun restrictions on the public, while the corrupt business interest people kill thousand and thousands by the YEAR!!!!!! Hypocrisy a little?

As a side note, Obama was the one who was getting rid of people in the military that were against the genocide, aka he was making sure people LIKE him (bloodthirsty) were in TOP positions, so MORE PEOPLE COULD BE KILLED!!

We need REAL change folks!!!! Not SJW change that supports these psychopaths!!!! This is why this country is so politically divided. Theres 3 kinds of people, people who DO this and cause problems, people who KNOW, and people who DONT KNOW.

I don't want to be too harsh, but really ..........People that DO KNOW are getting SICK AND TIRED OF WAITING for people to WAKE UP.

Gods coming to change things on Earth for the better. Change or be changed. (and you wont like what God will do if he has to force it). A true lover of God ALWAYS speaks UP UP UP about INJUSTICE!!!!

The most IMPORTANT thing about what Rosanne said, even though not said mindfully, is that she CALLED OUT a bad person. Politicians still need to be held accountable for their actions, period!!!! If you made a mistake at work, that resulted in a death, you would be fired, sued, forget a pension, and possibly jailed if its intoxication. So, ask yourself this, why do politicians get away with doing this thousands, up to millions of times over??? Politicians shouldn't be above people, that sounds like MONARCHY and treason.

She still SPOKE UP!!!!

Rosanne made a controversial (joke), got held accountable for it. Oh well, right??

Then WHERE IS THE accountability for the DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE??????????? WHERE?????
Where is the accountability for genocide??? Rape?? Treason?? Which is punishable by death under American law in extreme cases. You want to play monarchy type games = INSTANT TREASON. These people walk free, they go to Starbuck and drink their lattes, they get paid with our taxes, and don't ever have to work hard for a single dime they make. Pinky up and all.

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