Saturday, May 26, 2018

Stargate SG1 in RL

*Deep/dark truths Alert***Not small talk**Its "Illuminati talk***If your not interested, don't read.**

Many people aware of things going on upon Earth may know that Stargate SG1 artistically showed things that have happened in RL (REAL Life) in the "old" military industrial complex.

In fact, there are many things that are real that come from Stargate SG1, and in this entry i'll specifically talk about Daniel and Daniels wife. In RL we have the Annunaki, a Saturn worshiper that has gone thru the conditioning, is controlled by a creature just like the Goa'uld of Stargate SG1. In the whole process of being possessed the human consciousness is suppressed, while the Goa'uld take control. They do the thinking, eating, talking, etc. For those that don't know, Daniel's wife was captured, and is briefly recaptured for a period of time (then captured again), and in the period that she was gone (years), she completely didn't remember being away. She woke up, with the last thing that happened in her head with Daniel, her being away and captured for years -- and she "woke up" like no time had gone by at all while the Goa'uld was briefly removed. 

Yet, what I am getting at is the SAME thing happens when people are no longer in control of demonic forces in real life. They "Wake up" like no time has gone by b/c they have been controlled by the Annunaki (the former head of the military industrial complex). These demonic entities that have claimed control and monarchy over humans for thousands of years have been fought back to extinction, and a lot of people are experiencing the "Daniel" effect, or not remembering what the entity that was controlling them/ living thru them - had done. Just like when the Goa'uld is removed from a human in the fiction series. 

It wasn't, technically speaking, the person doing the vast majority of things, occasionally you see people with consciousness strong enough to fight it or go back and forth with the Goa'uld.

Stargate SG1 was "venting" ground with hidden truths being portrayed from people that have higher levels of understanding (Star Trek did the same thing as well), and most importantly it portrayed humanity's fight against the Annunaki. Like I mentioned in my "Spirit cooking" post, some people do it for fame, but many more are forced it. They are beaten and raped until their human consciousness gives in to the control of a Goa'uld type being. I am not saying have all the compassion in the world for those who have perpetuated genocide, not at all, but its a factor some miss.

Its not worth the money folks, understand this is what they do to their children, not in a million years should one resort to the low level of being a traitor of humanity and affiliating oneself with that of the Annunaki (Saturn entities). If you have a choice, don't get into that stuff folks. Think of all the children that DONT have a choice. They get their dreams taken away! Also, understand that they wanted to make it so ALL humans did not have a choice by slowly creeping into all homes thru the use of the occult/money/sex/drugs/music& media conditioning and fame, but God did not forget us and he fought back. Happy end note!!!

It wasn't a "game" folks, if that's forced, that means no human consciousness or any of US, have control. They would then use it to force extinction. So, we (me and people like me) are fighting for the lives of many. We are fighting for our lives, we are fighting for the lives of others. Someone has to step up and be selfless. We need more people that call out Spirit Cookers and the radically possessed, yes, they retaliate and f'k up your life, but some people that's their duty. To tell the Truth. To point out evil doing and dooers.

Also remember what MLK Jr said, if you see injustice but refuse to do/say anything about, your just as bad as the people doing it. Indifference paves your way to h3ll with good intentions. Don't end up i'll and sick in the eyes of God, rise above that. Repent if needed AND rise above. 

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