Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What is Spirit Cooking?

"Spirit Cooking" a term many are throwing out these days, rightfully so considering all the terrible corruption worldwide, but what IS IT really??? Spirit Cooking some call Satan worship, yes and no. That's the simplified definition. What really is "Spirit Cooking", its black cube worship, its Saturn worship. Not to mention, luciferianism is the highest caste of "Saturn Worship", that's too much for one day. lol You know the one who "eats" his children. Its also linked to Dionysus worship, which is also advanced and deserves its own blog entry. Moving on, Saturn worship was linked to the military industrial complex, it still is to an extent, but all the underground bases have been cleared out from Earth of nefarious beings as of very recently. That's too complex, but when you understand the link between big business, Hollywood, crisis actors, big pharma, the military industrial complex, and Saturn -- then you understand a whole lot.

First is first. Does that mean everyone at a "pagan" festival is a Saturn worshiper?? Where do you find these people?? Actually, not everyone that is pagan is a Saturn worshiper. The same can be said for other groups people, some children are beaten and forced it, some chose it for fame and fortune. The BIGGEST members come from Christianity, Judaism (of course, the origin religion or "chosen people") and Islam. They make up the biggest amount of people, and they have within their ranks abusive individuals (forced or non forced) involved with Saturn worship. Ancient text and even the Christian Bible talk about these people who eat flesh and sacrifice their children. No surprise, conquerors write history, we still have these people today. Only, more people and more Saturn worshipers. In fact, its so widespread, if you live in a small American city of just say 300,000, you will have thousands of child abusing, rapist, murdering occultist living amongst you. Thousands!!! They protect each other and don't go to jail like normal people, unless they are caught red handed. Otherwise, you go up against them in court, the courts rule in their favor, etc. You talking about some spoiled, wicked, individuals.

Good News. Since Saturn and the nefarious beings got their a$$es handed to them. Completely cleared out from our system. The GOOD people. Yes you, hopefully you are at least. lol Have backup from the Federation of Good Star Beings, and ALL the occultist they DO NOT have backup, and are being forced to comply. You do things and there are consequences, period.

New Rules. A New Age, without Saturn being in it.

Back to, the biggest amount of members. In Christianity, the most Satanic/Saturn savvy come from no other then Catholicism. Does that mean everyone that is Catholic is also a Saturn worshiper? Absolutely NOT! You missed the point. There is MORE of them in percentage, so if you say your Catholic versus other kinds, that person is more likely then not involved versus other types of Christians. Of course, even before I knew all this, I realized Catholicism was a cult -- wasn't linked to regular Christianity by much, and I stopped referring to Catholics as Christians. In fact, its more like Mormonism, which is heavily linked to "Mountain People", flesh eaters, aka Saturn worship in its self (another story for another day). Moving on to the biggest group of people involved in Saturn worship, also call themselves Jews. Does that mean every Jew is an occultist??? Well, absolutely not!! However, the percentages don't lie, about 70% of Jews are in fact Saturn worshiping. The number might even be higher then that, that number is based off my research and experiences. Jews are simply more likely then any other group people to be involved in Saturn worship. In Islam, the worst come from Saudi Arabia and Syria, that does not mean everyone from these places or groups stated are involved. This simply is to educate and give the scope of the horrendous amount of "sell outs" and abused individuals we have in our society.

What I am saying here, is don't trust a book by its cover. The occult, thru money, sex, Masonry, and drugs simply spread almost everywhere.

Repenting does work. So, utilize it. You don't want to be one of those people who God takes his wrath out on. That's the period we are in now, is these people are running to the Mountains. (Bible reference lol)**I do realize the Federation is above most people's heads. Yet, some still wonder what has happened for things to shift so easily, quickly in fact. On one hand, about half of the good part of America is rebelling "Spirit Cooking", but there is "more" to that story. Everything that these Saturn worshiping, Hollywood praising piss nuts have built has been utterly destroyed, the stuff we didn't see underground, which was the majority of it. So, the ancient reference/prophecy of them "getting their butts kicked". Its true!! lol

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