Monday, May 28, 2018

SJW "Cultural Appropriation" Claims will backfire.

Its simple. 

Anyone who supports brands, business tycoons, backwards policies that lead to unneeded war and bloodshed, who also use anything from an effected culture/group of people, is actually committing the social crime of cultural appropriation. Oil folks, tree cutters, water polluters, water bottling, Native American abuse, Aborigine Abuse, etc. The list is endless. 

So, lets use logic people. What type of people does the backfiring of cultural appropriation effect??? Lets think hard!!! Lets rub some brain cells together. 

Spirit cookers. Big Business Interest. Big Pharma. Monsanto. Warmongers. Child Molesters. MK Ultra black ops/FBI & more importantly CIA folks. The list is endless. SJWs. Establishment Democrats and Republicans (establishment meaning they work as active Spirit Cookers, actively warmonger.) Like McCain/Bush/Clintons/Obamas, but not to be confused with the "New Republican Party" or to overly demonize democrats (although they need help, lol, lots of help) good people who are (or would) be against spirit cooking. 

Problem people like Spirit Cookers (Saturn worshipers) are the biggest abusers of cultural appropriation, which is the main "herding the peeps" phrase right now that they use themselves. They scream cultural appropriation every time someone gets their feelings hurt. That's not the meaning folks. It's when your actively using concepts from a culture, while you actively are supporting people/places/or things that abuse that very culture you stole from.

We got to turn this around on them good folks of America!!!!

Lets start asking about their use of genocide brands, or working for genocide companies, or even supporting policies of bloodshed/vaccines/etc. Lets confront them about those suicide nets, taking land from Native Americans and polluting the land, drone use, political manipulation that leads to genocide, false flags, etc. Or even the establishments they go to, where they get their money, who they know. You want hang out with people committing genocide, while also actively using things from that culture??? Cultural appropriation.

BTW, Saturn Worship (spirit cooking) is not only anti-God, its anti-human as well. So, your darn right that people that wanted the extinction of humanity, that's mega cultural appropriation.

If its evil, its probably cultural appropriation. It wont be a phrase for them pretty soon to use. lol

Spread the Word and Peace Out!!! :)

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