Thursday, May 31, 2018

When you have Spirit Cookers in your family!

I have one SJW female in my family who volunteers, she give back to the community, all the while b/c I perceive from a higher perspective, she has been going to these "Eyes Wide Shut" type meetings, and indulging in flesh eating with her even higher in the occult husband. Well, I've known for many years now, she just figured out I knew recently. Even when she would single me out and down me, I wouldn't show any indication of knowing the truth. Like I don't know she talks a tremendous amount of crap behind my back, or exaggerates things. Like I don't know. I don't want anything to do with that. Its hard when you have known this person since childhood, but you got to distant yourself. One of my favorite spiritual teachers mentioned that "once you go off the deep end, you don't come back". Well now I understand that means certain higher levels of the occult.

Don't throw stones in glass houses, especially when people are looking for people like her to talk to about her occult practices. For those that don't know, I have been singled out by the Spirit Cookers for the last 10 years. So, I know some stuff about them. The harassment, the violent comments, the picture taking, the following around. You name it!!! In fact, its the SAME exact practices Antifa uses on others mainly conservatives and swing voters. I know of a journalist who almost got killed b/c Antifa said this truther did something he didn't. They pass around pictures. Its horrible. I even attempted to move 1000 miles away, which didn't work. Trying to outrun an elaborate network of Saturn worship. That like I mentioned in another post, if you live in a small city of 300,000, you have THOUDSNDS of members. Just in a small city. I accepted my circumstance (what about the millions that don't even get a chance to live?? So I'm thankful for everyday) and don't care about the harassment any more -- its like flies in the summer heat lol, but then God really did push these people back against the wall. Now about half of America knows something is up, and there is a strong group against Spirit Cooking. I have to say that it was hard dealing with dozens and dozens of bullies everyday I had to work, mainly Spirit Cookers, but I am pleased that God has DONE what he promised. Pushing these cry baby, thug, terrible people BACK to those mountain CAVES!! lol It only gets worse for those that refuse to repent and change their ways. 

Apart from that, you have the type of people that would sacrifice their children (or a child in their family) to enter the club. I've picked up on something that's all I can say. They dangle money over your head, but children?? Even other people's children would be terrible. Also remember, that grass ain't greener on the other side. DK who termed that phrase, but its probably an ancient concept. lol

When you think you know your family, but you really don't. 

I'm posting this to enlighten those, this is what they are 100% having good American do. They dangle that money, sex, drugs, etc over your head. Its not worth it folks!! What is hidden is going to come to light, and more people then they think will know.

This needs to end for good!!!!

Its not "cool" any more. 

Everyone knows!!!

Liberal Logic

It was Obama who expanded the drone program despite backlash from military officials and others that it was a bad idea. That it would target too many innocent children and adults. Obama literally..........literally HAD drone pilots like that Gucci Gang kid, Satanist (Saturn worshiping and all) piloting DRONES that TARGET CHILDREN and areas with innocent adults.

The total number of dead children was over 2,000 children over the course of his drone expansion program. Thousands of more adults.

Liberal logic here it comes; where is ban on DRONES???

Oh, you only care about gun regulations for the political elites. Guns also save more lives then they kill. How about that??? So, if the "save" count, is larger then the "kill count" then SJWs are complaining and protesting and whining OVER NOTHING!!! Where is the justice for DRONE victims??? For victims of genocide?? Where??? Oh yeah, Gucci Gang said not to care about "those people".......slurp..........slurp...........SLURP.

Where is protest in the streets?? The school walkouts?? The protesting in the malls??? Where ... IS......THE......OUTRAGE????? School shootings have effected fairly low numbers compared to Bush/Obamas/McCains/and Clintons innocents kill count. They made a big deal about Sandy H *cough cough* *cough cough* *cough cough* all those real children. Yeah......REAL children (wink wink). It effected how many people, 30?? With supposed REAL blood. With supposed REAL not crisis actors AT ALL people.

Then where's the outrage over figures in the thousands????

*Crickets in the summer breeze* Nada. Nothing. It doesn't serve the political elites that fund the Antifa style protest and organize these SJW camps.

Liberal Logic. That's why people are so frustrated over how simple minded they are. Parading in Gucci Gang sync. Slurp up more of that "stupid drink". lol

Hence the trending phrase "Liberal Logic".

Be a good American, or sit down on the "Liberal Logic" bench. lol If you want to be a good liberal, then don't contribute to the Gucci Gang slurping contest. lol If ya get my drift, and for the LOVE OF GOD, don't sacrifice chickens to a statue figure in your closet. LOL That "contest" is real. lol

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I'm "blacker" then Obama. Rossane Response. Non SJW. lol

I still don't like the guy. lol

Even though I'm "lighter" in skin tone, I'm blacker then Obama b/c I was raised by my father along with my mother. lol Mr Obama has done NOTHING but treat his black poor family "well" by ignoring them completely. Not even sending over rice and beans, while they don't all have running water. All the while he has that vacation home in Dubai. Plus the homes in Hawaii, plus the home in DC, and maybe he still has that home in Indonesia where he was born. LOL :) :)

I stopped liking him in 2009/10, after he began his droning program that eventually killed thousands of CHILDREN!!!!! (Yes, I sadly did vote for him the first time, but I cant see the droning of children so I quickly realized the mistake) Let alone the number of adults. Noble Peace Prize my behind!

So, Rosanne Barr's recent comment she called out a person that worked in the Obama administration that SHOULD be held accountable for the deaths of those thousands of children (and innocent adults as well). That figure does not include the amount of innocent adults. In the 10,000+ range.  Just b/c Obama killed less innocents then Bush and Clinton doesn't make him a better person, it still makes him a serial killing psychopath.

Everyone in his administrations needs to be investigated with a fine comb, the administration made these decisions with Obama, its not a sole effort.

The quote exactly that she said was about Valarie Jarret (from the Obama administration) “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

So, she calls out someone who has a bad reputation, possibly aiding Obama in his blood thirst.

I don't care how she does it.

Clearly making a joke about the person who was a senior advisor to Obama when he was doing this!!! Maybe not the best joke in the best way, I do admit.

So, she makes (what I find to be a very funny joke, I DO have a sense of humor/knowing comedians make jokes about ALL types of people) about A BAD person. If a normal person made this comment, a non comedian, then its racist. This is a comedian.

They were just looking for a reason to cancel her show, and they found it.

Of course, who gets "left behind" really here? The thousands of children Obama killed. The 100s of THOUSANDS Clinton Killed, and the Millions Bush did.

No child left behind my arse!!!! Then they want to put more gun restrictions on the public, while the corrupt business interest people kill thousand and thousands by the YEAR!!!!!! Hypocrisy a little?

As a side note, Obama was the one who was getting rid of people in the military that were against the genocide, aka he was making sure people LIKE him (bloodthirsty) were in TOP positions, so MORE PEOPLE COULD BE KILLED!!

We need REAL change folks!!!! Not SJW change that supports these psychopaths!!!! This is why this country is so politically divided. Theres 3 kinds of people, people who DO this and cause problems, people who KNOW, and people who DONT KNOW.

I don't want to be too harsh, but really ..........People that DO KNOW are getting SICK AND TIRED OF WAITING for people to WAKE UP.

Gods coming to change things on Earth for the better. Change or be changed. (and you wont like what God will do if he has to force it). A true lover of God ALWAYS speaks UP UP UP about INJUSTICE!!!!

The most IMPORTANT thing about what Rosanne said, even though not said mindfully, is that she CALLED OUT a bad person. Politicians still need to be held accountable for their actions, period!!!! If you made a mistake at work, that resulted in a death, you would be fired, sued, forget a pension, and possibly jailed if its intoxication. So, ask yourself this, why do politicians get away with doing this thousands, up to millions of times over??? Politicians shouldn't be above people, that sounds like MONARCHY and treason.

She still SPOKE UP!!!!

Rosanne made a controversial (joke), got held accountable for it. Oh well, right??

Then WHERE IS THE accountability for the DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE??????????? WHERE?????
Where is the accountability for genocide??? Rape?? Treason?? Which is punishable by death under American law in extreme cases. You want to play monarchy type games = INSTANT TREASON. These people walk free, they go to Starbuck and drink their lattes, they get paid with our taxes, and don't ever have to work hard for a single dime they make. Pinky up and all.

Monday, May 28, 2018

SJW "Cultural Appropriation" Claims will backfire.

Its simple. 

Anyone who supports brands, business tycoons, backwards policies that lead to unneeded war and bloodshed, who also use anything from an effected culture/group of people, is actually committing the social crime of cultural appropriation. Oil folks, tree cutters, water polluters, water bottling, Native American abuse, Aborigine Abuse, etc. The list is endless. 

So, lets use logic people. What type of people does the backfiring of cultural appropriation effect??? Lets think hard!!! Lets rub some brain cells together. 

Spirit cookers. Big Business Interest. Big Pharma. Monsanto. Warmongers. Child Molesters. MK Ultra black ops/FBI & more importantly CIA folks. The list is endless. SJWs. Establishment Democrats and Republicans (establishment meaning they work as active Spirit Cookers, actively warmonger.) Like McCain/Bush/Clintons/Obamas, but not to be confused with the "New Republican Party" or to overly demonize democrats (although they need help, lol, lots of help) good people who are (or would) be against spirit cooking. 

Problem people like Spirit Cookers (Saturn worshipers) are the biggest abusers of cultural appropriation, which is the main "herding the peeps" phrase right now that they use themselves. They scream cultural appropriation every time someone gets their feelings hurt. That's not the meaning folks. It's when your actively using concepts from a culture, while you actively are supporting people/places/or things that abuse that very culture you stole from.

We got to turn this around on them good folks of America!!!!

Lets start asking about their use of genocide brands, or working for genocide companies, or even supporting policies of bloodshed/vaccines/etc. Lets confront them about those suicide nets, taking land from Native Americans and polluting the land, drone use, political manipulation that leads to genocide, false flags, etc. Or even the establishments they go to, where they get their money, who they know. You want hang out with people committing genocide, while also actively using things from that culture??? Cultural appropriation.

BTW, Saturn Worship (spirit cooking) is not only anti-God, its anti-human as well. So, your darn right that people that wanted the extinction of humanity, that's mega cultural appropriation.

If its evil, its probably cultural appropriation. It wont be a phrase for them pretty soon to use. lol

Spread the Word and Peace Out!!! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Stargate SG1 in RL

*Deep/dark truths Alert***Not small talk**Its "Illuminati talk***If your not interested, don't read.**

Many people aware of things going on upon Earth may know that Stargate SG1 artistically showed things that have happened in RL (REAL Life) in the "old" military industrial complex.

In fact, there are many things that are real that come from Stargate SG1, and in this entry i'll specifically talk about Daniel and Daniels wife. In RL we have the Annunaki, a Saturn worshiper that has gone thru the conditioning, is controlled by a creature just like the Goa'uld of Stargate SG1. In the whole process of being possessed the human consciousness is suppressed, while the Goa'uld take control. They do the thinking, eating, talking, etc. For those that don't know, Daniel's wife was captured, and is briefly recaptured for a period of time (then captured again), and in the period that she was gone (years), she completely didn't remember being away. She woke up, with the last thing that happened in her head with Daniel, her being away and captured for years -- and she "woke up" like no time had gone by at all while the Goa'uld was briefly removed. 

Yet, what I am getting at is the SAME thing happens when people are no longer in control of demonic forces in real life. They "Wake up" like no time has gone by b/c they have been controlled by the Annunaki (the former head of the military industrial complex). These demonic entities that have claimed control and monarchy over humans for thousands of years have been fought back to extinction, and a lot of people are experiencing the "Daniel" effect, or not remembering what the entity that was controlling them/ living thru them - had done. Just like when the Goa'uld is removed from a human in the fiction series. 

It wasn't, technically speaking, the person doing the vast majority of things, occasionally you see people with consciousness strong enough to fight it or go back and forth with the Goa'uld.

Stargate SG1 was "venting" ground with hidden truths being portrayed from people that have higher levels of understanding (Star Trek did the same thing as well), and most importantly it portrayed humanity's fight against the Annunaki. Like I mentioned in my "Spirit cooking" post, some people do it for fame, but many more are forced it. They are beaten and raped until their human consciousness gives in to the control of a Goa'uld type being. I am not saying have all the compassion in the world for those who have perpetuated genocide, not at all, but its a factor some miss.

Its not worth the money folks, understand this is what they do to their children, not in a million years should one resort to the low level of being a traitor of humanity and affiliating oneself with that of the Annunaki (Saturn entities). If you have a choice, don't get into that stuff folks. Think of all the children that DONT have a choice. They get their dreams taken away! Also, understand that they wanted to make it so ALL humans did not have a choice by slowly creeping into all homes thru the use of the occult/money/sex/drugs/music& media conditioning and fame, but God did not forget us and he fought back. Happy end note!!!

It wasn't a "game" folks, if that's forced, that means no human consciousness or any of US, have control. They would then use it to force extinction. So, we (me and people like me) are fighting for the lives of many. We are fighting for our lives, we are fighting for the lives of others. Someone has to step up and be selfless. We need more people that call out Spirit Cookers and the radically possessed, yes, they retaliate and f'k up your life, but some people that's their duty. To tell the Truth. To point out evil doing and dooers.

Also remember what MLK Jr said, if you see injustice but refuse to do/say anything about, your just as bad as the people doing it. Indifference paves your way to h3ll with good intentions. Don't end up i'll and sick in the eyes of God, rise above that. Repent if needed AND rise above. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What is Spirit Cooking?

"Spirit Cooking" a term many are throwing out these days, rightfully so considering all the terrible corruption worldwide, but what IS IT really??? Spirit Cooking some call Satan worship, yes and no. That's the simplified definition. What really is "Spirit Cooking", its black cube worship, its Saturn worship. Not to mention, luciferianism is the highest caste of "Saturn Worship", that's too much for one day. lol You know the one who "eats" his children. Its also linked to Dionysus worship, which is also advanced and deserves its own blog entry. Moving on, Saturn worship was linked to the military industrial complex, it still is to an extent, but all the underground bases have been cleared out from Earth of nefarious beings as of very recently. That's too complex, but when you understand the link between big business, Hollywood, crisis actors, big pharma, the military industrial complex, and Saturn -- then you understand a whole lot.

First is first. Does that mean everyone at a "pagan" festival is a Saturn worshiper?? Where do you find these people?? Actually, not everyone that is pagan is a Saturn worshiper. The same can be said for other groups people, some children are beaten and forced it, some chose it for fame and fortune. The BIGGEST members come from Christianity, Judaism (of course, the origin religion or "chosen people") and Islam. They make up the biggest amount of people, and they have within their ranks abusive individuals (forced or non forced) involved with Saturn worship. Ancient text and even the Christian Bible talk about these people who eat flesh and sacrifice their children. No surprise, conquerors write history, we still have these people today. Only, more people and more Saturn worshipers. In fact, its so widespread, if you live in a small American city of just say 300,000, you will have thousands of child abusing, rapist, murdering occultist living amongst you. Thousands!!! They protect each other and don't go to jail like normal people, unless they are caught red handed. Otherwise, you go up against them in court, the courts rule in their favor, etc. You talking about some spoiled, wicked, individuals.

Good News. Since Saturn and the nefarious beings got their a$$es handed to them. Completely cleared out from our system. The GOOD people. Yes you, hopefully you are at least. lol Have backup from the Federation of Good Star Beings, and ALL the occultist they DO NOT have backup, and are being forced to comply. You do things and there are consequences, period.

New Rules. A New Age, without Saturn being in it.

Back to, the biggest amount of members. In Christianity, the most Satanic/Saturn savvy come from no other then Catholicism. Does that mean everyone that is Catholic is also a Saturn worshiper? Absolutely NOT! You missed the point. There is MORE of them in percentage, so if you say your Catholic versus other kinds, that person is more likely then not involved versus other types of Christians. Of course, even before I knew all this, I realized Catholicism was a cult -- wasn't linked to regular Christianity by much, and I stopped referring to Catholics as Christians. In fact, its more like Mormonism, which is heavily linked to "Mountain People", flesh eaters, aka Saturn worship in its self (another story for another day). Moving on to the biggest group of people involved in Saturn worship, also call themselves Jews. Does that mean every Jew is an occultist??? Well, absolutely not!! However, the percentages don't lie, about 70% of Jews are in fact Saturn worshiping. The number might even be higher then that, that number is based off my research and experiences. Jews are simply more likely then any other group people to be involved in Saturn worship. In Islam, the worst come from Saudi Arabia and Syria, that does not mean everyone from these places or groups stated are involved. This simply is to educate and give the scope of the horrendous amount of "sell outs" and abused individuals we have in our society.

What I am saying here, is don't trust a book by its cover. The occult, thru money, sex, Masonry, and drugs simply spread almost everywhere.

Repenting does work. So, utilize it. You don't want to be one of those people who God takes his wrath out on. That's the period we are in now, is these people are running to the Mountains. (Bible reference lol)**I do realize the Federation is above most people's heads. Yet, some still wonder what has happened for things to shift so easily, quickly in fact. On one hand, about half of the good part of America is rebelling "Spirit Cooking", but there is "more" to that story. Everything that these Saturn worshiping, Hollywood praising piss nuts have built has been utterly destroyed, the stuff we didn't see underground, which was the majority of it. So, the ancient reference/prophecy of them "getting their butts kicked". Its true!! lol

Friday, May 4, 2018

Injustice anywhere, is a threat to Justice Everywhere!!!

About My New Blog!!

Well, I am sick of gangstalking, lies, and deceit. Ten years of it. So, I am going to make a blog and promote it about "exposing" the perpetrators of it all, Spirit Cookers. They want to take pictures?? Fine, ill take them too!! So we have documented that your a crisis actor working for the satanic (Saturn worshiping) establishment.

Regardless of that I will also be exposing crazy drivers, ghetto behavior, cringe behavior of ALL types, corruption of ALL kinds, dirty politicians,etc. If I see it, ill write about it. Hybrid alerts, you GOT IT!!! People talk about the "good old days", well those days existed when the average joe wasn't some drug addicted jack a$$. The only way to bring back "old days', is to start POINTING OUR FINGERS when people do bad/evil things. Instead of shaming in society, we promote people that are hostile psychopaths. (intentionally the Saturn worshiping made things that way) They promote their own people, make sure us regular God-loving people get pushed aside. If we don't SPEAK UP, its gotten to that point, IT WILL come back to you. It's not "other people's" problems, its a united front for justice. "Be the change you want to see". Are you going to "sit there" or speak up with us???

Any type of injustice here is exposed, and in the words of MLK Jr "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”